Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Facing Fears

So tomorrow is the day. Yikes. I have flown once in the past six and a half years. Flying scares the crap out of me. It wasn't always this way, but watching the two planes hit the towers from right next door and watching the aftermath as bodies fell to the floor (that sound will stick with me for life) has changed flying for me. Now the thought of being on a plane fills me with dread.

For me the worst part of the flight is take off. Feeling the engines start to rev and the plane release the brake and then you start to barrel down the runway. Then the worst part is when the earth falls out from below you. You feel that dip and you're up in the air. At that point your life is in the hands of what you hope is a skilled pilot.

Please wish me luck and send prayers for safe travel and mental wellbeing.


Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

I'm so very glad you came :)