Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I'm driving Addison to school today after having dropped off Judah and the car in front of us had a stuffed dog in the window. She says to me, "oh they have a dog, it's a nice doggy." I said "addison that's not a real dog, it's a stuffed animal." She replies with: "mommy, I am pretending that it's real and it's a nice dog."

Ah to be a child again and let your imagination run wild. She loves dogs and to see the stuffed dog as a real dog brought a huge smile to her face.

And it was a learning moment for mommy. I want to encourage her imagination. She has the rest of her life to be serious. Let her enjoy these things she dreams up.

That was the last time I will ever tell her something isn't real.

Sometimes Mommies have learning moments too.