Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Centrist??????????????

I took one of those quizzes yesterday, you know the ones where they tell you where you fall on the political spectrum? I giggled as I started the quiz thinking what a waste of time it was just to be told that I am once again so far to the left that I may as well be labled a communist.

Imagine my shock and dismay when the results declared me a *gasp* CENTRIST. This couldn't possibly be true. So I sat there, mouth agape, ripping my clothes with grief, wailing at the impossibility of it all.

I mean I am someone who wears her liberalism with pride. Someone who feels so strongly about social issues and feels that its our job to help our fellow citizens who are less fortunate. I.AM.A.LIBERAL.

As the day wore on and I started to see where other friends fell on this false politcal spectrum I started to think about this from a slightly less emotional and decidely more logical point of view.

I used to think that people who were conservative were mean, that they didn't care about other people or that they let religion decide their political statements. I thought I could never be friends with someone who wasn't liberal. Then I became friends with a wonderfully diverse group of "imaginary" friends. I am now friends (true friends) with some extremely conservative people.

Turns out they're not crazy, mean or fanatically religious. Turns out they're people who have thought through their positions just as long and hard as I've though out mine. Turns out they are fabulously wonderful people who just happen to disagree with me on certain issues. Turns out that I was very wrong. I most certainly could be friends with conservatives, in fact I could truly love some conservatives.

I think I am very blessed to have had this epiphany. It's allowed me to meet some great people and engage in wonderfully spirited and completely respectful debate that has allowed me to see the grey area and appreciate that grey/centrist area more.

Its amazing what happens when you throw the political crap out the window and just focus on people. Labels start to seem a bit more rediculous and a divisive lines a bit more blurred.

I am still very proud to be a liberal and I doubt that my positions will ever change. But I am very VERY proud of the friendships I have made, friendships I value tremendously.

Growing up is a learning experience, isn't it?



Kara said...

How beautiful are you?! Even though I'm driven nuts by my liberal friends on a regular basis, when I put that all aside, I love you guys, and appreciate who you are.

Hugs. (still sorry that I suck)