Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Youth....wasted on the young

"And the seasons they go round and round and the painted ponies go up and down. I'm captive on a carousel of time, you can't return, you can only look behind from where you came and go round and round and round in the circle game."

One of my favorite songs ever. And ringing so very true today.

My daughter always talks about being a grown up. "When I'm grown up I can chew gum" and so on. I keep telling her to enjoy being young.

But when you're young you don't see it. All you see are the grown ups around you getting to make the choices and the decisions. You see an older cousin get married and YOU want to get married. Someone has a baby and you want to be a mother. We're always looking to do more, to experience more and to grow.

I'm laying here tonight, my kids having a sleepover with their grandparents. I can't stop thinking of the story that was relayed to us when we called to check on them before.

My MIL made a comment that her house was like a beauty parlor. A told her to please not put makeup on Addison. She responded by telling him that Addison said to her "Coco, you can put lipstick on my tonight but don't do it tomorrow or they won't let me come back here."

I tear up thinking about this. I want to tell her that there will be time for makeup, time for grown up fun and responsibility. For now, just enjoy your grandparents and worry only about when your next ice cream will be.

I really am so blessed. And as the song says "And they tell him 'take your time, it won't be long now, til you drag your feet to slow the circle down'".

Do you think I can slow it down?

PS A cute Judah story. He fell and skinned his knees at school on Thurday. When we were driving home at the end of the day he says "Mommy the sun is coming home to my house. He's going to give me a band aid for my boo boo." <3