Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A wonderful weekend.

Gosh did I just have the most amazing weekend ever.

On friday I picked Heather up from the train station. I realized as I was pulling into the station that I had no idea what she looked, yeah thats a bit unsettling. But as soon as I rounded the corner and saw her I knew who she was. Years of talking to someone online makes you know them without having ever seen them!

We went to grab some food and then headed to the hotel to see Cori! The three of us (well 4 counting Kali) hit Target, then the diner for a snack and then back to the hotel. When we got back to the hotel the Boston Crew arrived. Ran down (literally ran) to see them and there they were: Tracey, Abby, Sarah, Piper, Phoebe, Cathy and Matsu! Yes they were here and REAL!

We hung out and ate pizza and larfed a lot.

Saturday morning I was woken out of a deep sleep by a text from Sara: "We're on NY ground". WHAT????? You weren't due in for 45 more minutes. I texted Sarah saying meet you in the lobby in ten minutes and then ran around bumping into walls to get dressed.

Sarah and I got to the airport and saw Sara, Ben and Lily. Again, they were REAL!!!!!!!!!! So excited. We went back to the hotel and had breakfast and then Heather and I headed out to Stamford (50 minute drive) to get Mary and Alicia. I didn't know how I'd find Mary but I figured I'd just look for the magic aura. It worked and we found them.

Back to the hotel again and we hung out for a while and got lunch. And then DH brought Addison and Judah to the hotel for a swim! I was so excited for my kids to come and be part of the fun. And boy did they have fun. Judah got a bit of a heart on for Ben. He kept asking for him.

We headed out to dinner at the chinese food place. It was a yummy dinner. During the dinner Judah went to the potty. We're back not five minutes and he says he has to go again. I say "Judah you just went, you don't have to go again." He says "Yes, I do, it's going to come in my pants." I panic and yell "DON'T MAKE IT COME IN YOUR PANTS". I then look and the people at the table next to us are looking at me all weird. But then they saw the young child and realized and laughed at me.

Saturday night heather got sick and went home early on Sunday. We didn't get to say goodbye and I miss her tons. :-(

On sunday we went to the city and DH came with us. THANK DOG! he was a huge help and such a wonderful sport about all of it. Trying to get 9 adults and 9 kids (with stollers) up and down steps is hard work! Really hard work. But he did it with a smile on his face.

After the city it was time to say goodbye to Cori and Sara, Ben and lily. WHAT? How can that be? It was so sad to begin to say goodbye.

Sunday night we went to an amazing dinner at our local diner. Back to the hotel to hang out. And then Monday morning was goodbye. I took tracey and abby to the airport at 7am and then Cathy, Mary and Sarah left around 10. BOOOOOOOOO.

What an awesome weekend. I am so truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.
Thank you guys for coming to see me and for being so amazing. I love you all!


Sara said...

We had the most amazing time Evah. I must say that Anony was truely such a good sport on Sunday. My dh would have quit at the World Trade Center and left us to our own devices. :)

Tired Mom of Six said...

So glad you had such an awesome weekend! xoxo


Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Sounds like you had and absolute BLAST! So very glad!

Sarah said...

What an amazing weekend we had together. I loved seeing all of you, hearing your voices and laughter and most of all being able to reach out and hug you whenever I wanted. I can't wait to do it again! xoxo