Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Is it possible to fight more than they do?

I am an only child. The only person I ever had to fight with for anything was my imaginary friend Hootoo (he lived up in the air and down in the ocean). Sibling issues are beyong me.

My kids fight constantly. Addison is two years older than Judah yet anything that Judah has in his hands Addison wants. And she'll just grab it from him. I worry sometimes that her immaturity is a result of not spending enough time with kids her own age or older. But she is in school 4 days a week.....

Last night coming home they were fighting over who got to hold the doorknob while I unlocked the door. It took me a few moments to get my keys out and in that time he pushed her away, she started crying and pushing him and then he started crying.


They drive me to the brink of insanity with this and I swear it's constant.

Well, almost constant. After bringing me to the point of admission to the loony bin I decide to put on Aladdin. 30 minutes into it, DH comes and tells me I have to go look at them. Addison is sitting on the couch, Judah is sitting in between her legs with his head leaning on her chest and she has her arms around him.

How sweet is that?

I may have just saved myself from the loony bin.

For at least one more day.


Jenn said...

I hate to do this to you......but you aren't alone.
Siblings fight. a lot. constantly.
It's draining.
It ends when one goes off to college.

Tired Mom of Six said...

Totally normal.
And mind numbingly irritating.

Glad you didn't have to take the trip to the loony bin although there are days that you probably would have me sitting next to you. ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL, welcome to my life. Cameron argues with every single thing that Ian says...whether he has any clue what he is talking about or not. Not that Ian doesnt deserve it. As an only child myself it is hard for me to deal with, it grates on my last nerve!

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

it does get better.. but not a whole lot and not for a few years. Sorry.

Kara said...

Amelia and Lily are the same exact way... Sighhhhh