Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Trying hard

I realize that I am not the fun parent. I don't play. I watch them play but I just can't seem to get into it and play with them.

It's been bothering me lately seeing how much they prefer my husband to me. I don't blame them, I mean the guy is fun with a capital F. Me? I'm the one who cooks dinner, shuttles people around makes sure there are gifts for birthday parties, etc but I'm just not fun.

I'd like to try to change that in some way without changing who I am.

So tonight when we got home from work/daycare they asked to watch Monsters vs Aliens. I turned it on and went to the kitchen to start dinner. Something made me do an about face and I found myself going into the den and asking "Who wants to make cupcakes"?

Of course the answer was yes.

So we ate dinner a bit later than normal. Oh well, we sure had fun making the cupcakes!!!!! And even more fun eating them!


*~*Zann*~* said...

I have to make myself do stuff like that too Alisa. Although my kitchen is too small for us to bake together.

Mary Jo said...

I can relate! I agree, baking is one of those things that we can do together vs. me struggling to play. LOL problem is just not baking several times a day and pigging out here! Hang in there and just keep trying - ITA it helps to have something "to do" like baking vs. playing.

Heather said...

Hugs mama!! I am the same. It is really rough trying to get myself to be a "fun" parent. Dave is SOOOOO much better at it.
