Are They Trying To Kill Me?

Monday, May 3, 2010

love with parsley on top

How can it be May already??? Is there any way to slow down the hands of time? I feel like it was just New Years yet here we are approaching Memorial Day. How can that be?

My Aunt has a blog to keep us all up to date with her treatment. She posted that she signs her emails to her sister with "love, with parsley on top"

WHY? Well I am glad that you asked....the story is so sweet.

Her sister went to culinary school and always garnished every platter of food she made. So my Aunt asked her why she spent the money on parsley or lemon wedges if they weren't going to be eaten. Her sister replied that it made the meal even more special to be presented so nicely.

The next time my Aunt signed her email to her sister, she wanted the word love to mean more so she signed it "love, with parsley on top."

Isn't that so sweet?


Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

very sweet!

Tired Mom of Six said...

Yes, I would definitely say that was sweet. :))) <3

Leah said...

Aw, I love that!